torsdag 15 mars 2012


The KRG UK Representation, along with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Kurdistan Region, held a meeting this week to mark the anniversary of the chemical bombardment of Halabja and to launch a petition calling on Britain, as the home of democracy and freedom, to recognise the genocide against the Kurds and to encourage the UN and EU to do the same. We need 100,000 people to sign the petition within one year for a debate to be held in the British parliament that could lead to the formal recognition of the genocide. If you are a British citizen or resident, please add your name to the petition. Your signature could help to make history.
I'm delighted that so many people from the Kurdish community (all parties and all parts of Kurdistan) came to the meeting. We also heard many rousing speeches from MPs, peers and friends of Kurdistan urging everyone to give their name to this campaign.

To sign the e-petition, please go to the link below.

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