söndag 29 januari 2012

Kurdistan Photo كوردستان's photostream

PeshmergaKurdistan BarzaniPeshmerga Kurdistan Barzani سةروك بارزانىPeshmerga Kurdistan BarzaniPresident Barzani Barzani For  Peace Nobel Prizepeshmerga Peace, Freedom ,DemocracyKurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani
peshmerga  Kurdish FightersKurdish struggle for Peace, Freedom and DemocracyPeshmerge kurdistanpeshmerga peshmergapeshmerga
peshmergapeshmergapeshmergakurdistanrefije camp mardin 1988 کەمپا میردینیkurdistan
Kurdistan kurd  كوردستان بلا حدودKurdistan kurd  كوردستان بلا حدودKurdistan kurd  كوردستان بلا حدودModification of the bombe to vase in KurdistanThe history of the world or human history on the kurdistanChildren of the World and kurdistan kurd

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